
Biodiversity pro manual
Biodiversity pro manual

biodiversity pro manual

It can run on Windows XP but may lose functionality when installed on other systems such as Windows Vista.

biodiversity pro manual biodiversity pro manual

Since the programme has not been updated for more recent operating systems it may not function fully on Windows PC operating systems beyond XP. History and caution BioDiversity Pro was developed a long time ago in computer terms and was written originally for Windows 95 but many people still find it useful. If it does not self-extract you should unzip the files to a temporary folder and then initiate the installation by opening the 'setup.exe' programme. Graphics plots are possible such as rarefaction, principle components, correspondence and cluster analyses as well as descriptive statistics, Kulczynski, Mann-Whitney, Rank correlation, variance-covariance and others. The programme remains available free from SAMS as it is recognised that it is still useful to many people around the world. Introduction BioDiversity Pro software is a free statistical package programme for Windows PC enabling many measures of diversity to be calculated for a dataset of taxa by samples. TBG protects endangered animals and guides biodiversity conservation efforts through citizen science and photography. Biodiversity in contemporary biology and environmental sciences Biodiversity is one of the leading concepts in biology, that is defined at many levels. Select 'file open' from the menu in the usual way.

Biodiversity pro manual